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Life of the Artist

Art advisory boutique Corbun Contemporary and Content Agency Myth-to-Measure have launched their series Life Of The Artist on Youtube and social media, in a push to provide exploratory and refreshing content to people stuck at home in quarantine.

“Like many of our fellow entrepreneurs, we had to cancel our launch, scheduled at the end of March 2020. We had a chat on the day the event should have taken place, and thought, you know what? Let’s just make it available for all the people who are stuck at home, just like us, and who are starting to get tired of watching the same cat memes.” Explains Florie-Anne Virgile, CEO of Myth-to-Measure.

The project was born from the encounter between the passions and expertise of Florie-Anne Virgile and Marlene Corbun de Kerobert. On one hand, Florie-Anne is an expert in video production and has a strong interest for cultural programmes. On the other hand, Marlene is an expert in the field of contemporary art and wanted to share her passion for art with a broader audience. The combination of those two worlds created Life Of The Artist.

“We created Life Of The Artist for 2 reasons: to offer another experience of art, exploring artist studios and the way they work, and to give some insight into contemporary art and the creation process. Above all, we both feel like contemporary artists are the witnesses of our times, and our hope was that many people would become more interested in contemporary art, and living artists, thanks to our project. The COVID crisis has forced people into their homes, setting up a very stressful atmosphere, and we saw on all social media that people were trying to escape via the digital world. It seemed exactly the kind of situation in which people could benefit from our videos. So, we went for it!” adds Marlène Corbun de Kérobert, CEO of Corbun Contemporary.

For many people, contemporary art is difficult to understand. With Life Of The Artist, the goal is to help contemporary artists connect with a wider audience, by sharing their message and vision. Guided by Marlene Corbun de Kerobert collaborating with the video production company Myth-to-Measure, the audience uncovers the artist’s most intimate space: the studio.  Discussing their art practice is an opportunity to explore the physical and material work involved but also the importance of intellectual research, which defines the depth of an artwork.

The name of the series Life Of The Artist is a reference to a book written by Giorgio Vasari titled “Lives Of The Artists” and originally published in 1550, a collection of biographies of the best artists from the Renaissance, a key era in art history. From plural to singular, the title of the series opens the door to an intimate encounter with living artists, discovering the world from their perspective. 

“We believe that people should have a stronger interest for living artists as they are talking about us, about our time and its challenges. Contrary to modern artists such as Picasso or Matisse, they are alive, and it is a chance to hear their creative voices.” Adds Marlène Corbun de Kérobert.

For the first three episodes of the series, the producers chose young and emerging artists from the London art scene: David Raymond Conroy (born 1978) represented by Seventeen Gallery, Sarah Derat (born 1984) represented by Castor Project in London and Super Dakota in Brussels, and Alex Clarke (born 1988) represented by Super Dakota.


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Corbun de Kerobert

Marlene is passionate about art but also has a background in business and strategy. She believes the combination of those fields is an asset for her to create strong and unique art collections that bring sentimental and economical value to her clients. She has degrees and expertise in the worlds of both art and business. She started as a consultant working for a top strategy consulting firm (BCG, Courcelles spin-off). She then joined one of the world’s most important contemporary art galleries (White Cube) as private sales and exhibition manager, before pursuing a sales & advisory role at an international auction house (Christie's). After those years in the art world, she started her own art consultancy business, Corbun Contemporary, dedicated to advising private individuals and institutions on building and developing art collections

Educated at The Courtauld Institute in London (Post-Graduate Diploma in Art History) and at EM Lyon Business School in France (Master in Management). While studying art history, Marlene dedicated her research on Mark Rothko colour walls and their link with the existentialist theatre by Jean-Paul Sartre. Today she continues to write, and she regularly publishes articles on contemporary art for “Le Quotidien de l’Art” and AMA “The Art Media Agency”.

Discover the show

Life of the Artist with David Raymond Conroy

Life of the Artist with Sarah Derat

Life of the Artist with Alex Clarke

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